COVID-19 - Mississauga Dental Office Information

For the most up-to-date information please consult the Canadian and Ontario government resources using the quick links below this update.

Last Update:

May 12, 2021

Dear East Credit Dental friends and Family,

Infection control has always been our priority, and we would like to assure you that our office strictly follows the infection control regulations of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and the Provincial Ministry of Health. Our team has participated in various online safety training sessions to ensure the safety of our employees and patients. On Monday, June 1st, 2021, our whole team participated in a 4 hour, in-office IPAC training course.

We have added new equipment to our office so that each operatory has its own dedicated Air filtration system complete with HEPA filtration. We have expanded our PPE (personal protective equipment) inventory.

In addition, we have implemented changes to our daily routine; some of which include:


  • all employees will undergo daily screening for COVID-19 symptoms. We are aware that screening questions are subject to change, and we will be updating them on a daily basis.
  • all patients will be subject to the same screening questions on the phone prior to coming to the office.

Physical distancing within the office:

  • to ensure appropriate physical distancing, we will stagger appointment times, limit the number of individuals present at one time in the office, and use ground markings and barriers to manage traffic flow.
  • our waiting room will be closed and we will ask patients to wait in their cars until we call them in for their appointments.
  • we are asking that all patients wear a face covering or mask to the appointment, to be taken off only when we start the procedure.

Handling Packages and Items:

  • When handling and delivering packages, a physical distance of at least 2 meters will be maintained when possible. If physical distancing cannot be maintained, appropriate PPE will be worn.
  • All shipped items will be cleaned and properly disinfected.

Attending appointments:

  • We will call with a pre-screening exam concerning COVID-19.
  • Please understand that we will be seeing fewer patients throughout the day and scheduling appointments in a manner that promotes social distancing and allows for adequate time for us to disinfect all areas of use in between patient appointments.
  • All appointments must be booked with us. There will be NO walk-ins.
  • We ask that patients enter the office unaccompanied, if possible. Only a single-family member or caretaker will be allowed for those patients who need a guardian to accompany them.
  • Every person entering the office is expected to wear a face covering and will be asked to sanitize their hands immediately upon entry.

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon. If you would like to discuss further what steps we are taking to ensure the safe delivery of our services, please don’t hesitate to contact our office directly and we will be more than happy to answer all your questions. Understand that this is a fluid situation and we will keep up to date and adjust to any changes or new regulations.

These times are challenging but together we will get through this. And remember, even though the masks will make it hard to see our smiles, you will still hear us laugh.

Request Your Consultation

Call us today at
(905) 567-1132
or complete the form below.

  • Please prove you are human by selecting the house.